This tutorial for iPhone users to synchronize their iPhone with computer. You can synchronize your iPhone with computer on many OS, such us: Ubuntu or fedora or any other linux/mac operating system…..
Explorer how powerfull your iPhone performance when synchronize with computer.. Enjoy Today. :)
Now a days iPhone is becoming very useful for everyone and accordingly its utility is also increasing.On the other side Linux based OS users are also increasing very rapidly(as it is OpenSource),so there must be some way of making iPhone to communicate with these linux based OS.So here i am going to tell you, how to sync your iPhone with computer.Actually speaking its very simple after the release of libimobiledevice.
It is a foss application software and a type of library that is related to protocols for supporting iPhone and iPod touch on the Linux based OS.By using this you are not require to jailbreak your iPhone or iPod touch.With the release of libimobiledevice now we can say that iPhone or iPod support out of box.Its latest release libimobiledevice 1.0.3 is working on iOS 4.Now you can sync music and videos,access file system,backup the device,access addressbook/calender/notes etc.So just enjoy using Ubuntu or fedora or any other linux/mac operating system…..
How to synchronize your iPhone with computer
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