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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Install Microsoft Fonts in Ubuntu 11.04

 Do you want to use Microsoft Fonts in Ubuntu 11.04? Don't worry, we have a solution for you. A simple tricks to install Microsoft Fonts in Ubuntu 11.04. So you can use Microsoft Fonts in your Ubuntu 11.04.

 Microsoft windows has many good looking fonts like Times New Roman,Arial Black,Georgia.If you have used Windows and just shifted to Ubuntu 11.04 you may feel to use it again.As these fonts are used for Documentation and Business purpose.In Ubuntu you can manage and install fonts easily.

So i am going to tell you how to install Microsoft fonts in Ubuntu 11.04.

How to install Microsoft Windows font in Ubuntu 11.04

1.Open the synaptic package manager by going to Ubuntu logo present on the upper left corner of the window and search for Synaptic Package Manager.
2.In the quick search box type “ttf mscorefonts” and mark for installation. Click on apply which will start the installation process.Wait for sometime until installation completes.Thats it Enjoy !!

3.Open your application to use it.

Fonts Included in the Package

1.Andale Mono
2.Arial Black
3.Arial (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
4.Comic Sans MS (Bold)
5.Courier New (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
6.Georgia (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
8.Times New Roman (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
9.Trebuchet (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
10.Verdana (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)

Enjoy this feature and explore your Ubuntu 11.04 ever! Open Source never die! 


How to Install Microsoft Fonts in Ubuntu 11.04

How to Install Microsoft Fonts in Ubuntu 11.04 was published by . We hope that information about How to Install Microsoft Fonts in Ubuntu 11.04 very usefull for you. You can get another usefull information related with How to Install Microsoft Fonts in Ubuntu 11.04 at our sharing post in facebook, twitter and etc.. Warm regard from us.



  1. nice!.... workep perfectlly

  2. I'm glad there is a way to install Microsoft Fonts in Ubuntu.
