A person who claims to have been in contact with an Apple Genius has allegedly learned the official launch date of Apple’s new Mac OS - Lion.
The ‘tipster’ (as Cultofmac refers to this person) claims to have heard straight from an Apple Store Genius’ mouth that OS X Lion is slated for shipping on July 26.
The 'Genius' is one of the most highly-trained of Apple store employees. Their job is to help customers with all Apple hardware and software.
This Genius allegedly released his statement like a flock of doves, feeling no constraint in leaking the official launch date of Mac OS X 10.7.
Here’s how the tipster puts it:
“So last week, I was at an Apple store in Houston buying a new iPad. The employee training me said, ‘And when Lion comes out on the 26th, then you can do a whole lot with your Mac and your iPad’. He said it with such confidence, it might actually be true–and I didn’t even ask him about the release date; he said it in a very non-chalant [sic] way.”
Although the story doesn’t show any signs of being false, it doesn’t have to be true either.
Anyone with a decent sense of working up good stories can say they talked to someone at Apple in such a manner.
On the other hand, the alleged July 26 launch date falls well with rumors of revamped Macintosh hardware.
Various part numbers have begun emerging in the past week, pertaining to Macintosh models both on the desktop front (Mac minis), and in the portable segment (MacBooks).
Apple has been rumored to hold off the introduction of new Macs in order to pre-install them all with the GM (Golden Master) build of Lion.
This makes sense, since customers buying a new Mac today would have to upgrade to Lion manually just a few days later, when Lion debuts.
Yes, for those who haven’t followed Apple in the news lately, the Cupertino tech giant has long confirmed July availability of OS X Lion.
So whether or not this new rumor proves accurate, Apple fans won’t have to wait too long now for Lion to start roaring on the Mac App Store.
Download OS X 10.7 Lion Now Rumored for July 26

muchas gracias , desde México con respect.