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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tutorial Disable/Delete/Deactivate Facebook Account

I was thinking many people got this problem when waant to deactivate their account, just easy if you follow this step and compeletely will show you tutorial Disable/Delete/Deactivate Facebook Account

How to Disable a Facebook account :
1. Login to your that Facebook account which you want to remove.
3. At your home page, at the top right side, go to Account => Account Settings.
4. In the account settings page find out the Deactivate link with Deactivate Title. And click on That link.
Deactivate Link
deactivate link
5.Then you will come across a page like below.
provide information for deactivating

6. In this form you can provide informations for “Reason for leaving” , “Please explain further” and “Email opt out”. Selecting cause for reason for leaving is must. Explanation and Email opt out is optional. Mark email opt out if you don’t want to leave any activity, invitations and email notification.

7. After that, click on confirm. And you will be prompted for password.

Enter your password

8. After entering password, you may prompted for security code as below.
enter security code
9. After entering security code, click submit and and your account will be deactivated. Then you will be sent to login page with a yellow message like below.
your account is now disabled
10. And you are done.
Note : You can reactivate your Facebook account by previous login way.

Tutorial Disable/Delete/Deactivate Facebook Account

Tutorial Disable/Delete/Deactivate Facebook Account was published by . We hope that information about Tutorial Disable/Delete/Deactivate Facebook Account very usefull for you. You can get another usefull information related with Tutorial Disable/Delete/Deactivate Facebook Account at our sharing post in facebook, twitter and etc.. Warm regard from us.



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