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Sunday, June 3, 2012

4 Simple Steps Play iTunes Music and Video in Ubuntu

Ubuntu offers a new experience for those who just install it. There are many interesting features you can try, including listening to iTunes musics. This application allows you to buy the latest song of your favorite singers or bands just by doing a few simple clicks.

In the past, Ubuntu users are still difficult to install it. Digital copyright issues (Digital Rights Management) is often become a major problem and at that time, Apple also has yet to release iTunes for Ubuntu. The user requires extra program for this application can run smoothly.

Now, thanks to no DRM, users and music lovers can enjoy and listen to all songs collection which stored on the computer. For those who still new to Ubuntu, you may feel confused how to play iTunes music. Follow these steps below:

1. The first step, you have to move iTunes music to Ubuntu hard drive in the computer and it's easy to do. You simply plug the hard drive or flash drive which contains your iTunes music collection and Ubuntu will automatically detect any device.

Open the folder where you put music collection then simply copy + paste into the destination folder on your hard disk. The transfer time depends on number and total size of the files.

2. Once the transfer complete, you simply do double clicks the storage folder.

3. How to play it is easy, just do double-click on the desired file. Automatically, you'll hear the song from the file by using music player but you can use other music player application.

Nevertheless, you can also listen iTunes music stored on flash drives or other external drive but may need a longer time to load it.

How to play iTunes videos on Ubuntu? Well, it's not much different from playing iTunes music, you simply install extra applications and there is a lot of video programs support with Linux, one of them is VLC. Install the program and do double clicks on the desired video file.

4 Simple Steps Play iTunes Music and Video in Ubuntu

4 Simple Steps Play iTunes Music and Video in Ubuntu was published by . We hope that information about 4 Simple Steps Play iTunes Music and Video in Ubuntu very usefull for you. You can get another usefull information related with 4 Simple Steps Play iTunes Music and Video in Ubuntu at our sharing post in facebook, twitter and etc.. Warm regard from us.



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