Pusher is completely free to use and distribute
Ripdev is a team dedicated to the development of innovative applications for the iPhone. The company has released a new version of Pusher, an app that puts Installer.app on your iPhone.
Pusher, as its name implies, is an application that 'pushes' tools onto the user partition of the phone, only it doesn't open the system partition up. It can then aid users who wish to install numerous tools for the iPhone, acquired from both the App Store and Installer, without compromising your security. It is a one-click solution that places Installer on your phone without actually jailbreaking it, according to Ripdev.
Softpedia doesn't condone jailbreaking / unlocking the iPhone / iPod touch or any other device. Using hacks may render your device unusable, or may considerably reduce the quality of your experience using the respective device. If you choose to download and install the jailbreak tools, you will do so at your own risk.
Unlocking / Jailbreaking your iPhone may violate your warranty or the EULA with Apple and/or your cellular service provider.
“While giving access to Installer.app, Pusher is not installing any command-line tools on the system partition,” Ripdev explains. “This makes it more secure and prevents potential information theft that can be fairly easy with the 'normal' jailbreak methods.”
In addition to the new 2.2.1 firmware support, the latest version of Pusher also works for 2.0.2, 2.1 and 2.2 iPhones. However, Ripdev recommends that “you to stay on the bleeding edge and give 2.2 a try - it represents many hours of hard work of Apple engineers,” reads a post on the developer's web site.
So, what does this Installer.app do, basically? Well, it allows the iPhone user to gain access to hundreds of tools that are not available in App Store. This doesn't mean that everything that's not in the app store is illegal to download and use on your iPhone. As such, users are free to start enjoying stuff like Kate, Qik and Snapture on their handsets, all thanks to Pusher. Best of all, it works for 2G and 3G and will not perform any SIM-unlock, Ripdev assures users. As a bonus, Pusher offers users the ability to set the SpringBoard background.
While the Mac OS X version of Pusher is immediately available for download using the link below, the Windows version of the software is still being worked on. “Pusher will put Installer.app onto your 2.0.2, 2.1, 2.2 or 2.2.1 iPhone (both 2G and 3G) as well as a number of other goodies,” the developer adds.
Download Pusher (Free)