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Monday, August 1, 2011

Apple Refunding Overcharged Lion Buyers

Apple has started issuing refunds to those who’ve been caught in the wake of an unfortunate error that caused iTunes and / or PayPal to charge multiple times for a single purchase of OS X Lion.

After buying OS X Lion by the book - access Mac App Store -> search for Lion -> click Buy -> Enter Apple ID and password - several Apple customers soon found out they had been charged extra for what was supposed to be “the easiest OS X upgrade.”

One customer in particular was charged eight times. Courtesy of MacRumors, we now have the email Apple sent to him shortly after the company had acknowledged the problem.

Dear iTunes Store Customer,

We are contacting you with regard to your pay service account, which due to an error was charged multiple times. We have identified and refunded the charges to the payment source. The funds should be available within 3-5 business days.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this situation may have caused you. If you have any questions about your account, please go to


iTunes Customer Experience

However, eight times is nothing, one John Christman would say.

This user has been in the news last week for being charged no less than 122 times for a single intended download of the new operating system.

According to the same rumor-site, Christman was eventually refunded as well.

He said “Apple kept me on a very need-to-know basis all along, but once I confirmed the money was in my PayPal account, he [the Apple representative] then asked for a list of fees to review. Once he saw the fees (very minimal), he offered to pay them and give me a bit extra to pay any additional fees I incur.”

Apple Refunding Overcharged Lion Buyers

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