There are many BlackBerry fans who purchased one of the latest BlackBerry 7 smartphones unveiled by Research In Motion (RIM) last year, namely the Bold 9900. Some of them experience problems with the phone, which renders the device unusable for phone calls.
If you are one of those who have bought a BlackBerry Bold 9900 and noticed that your phone has suddenly went “silent,” then you might want to read ahead for the solution to this problem.
Apparently, the BlackBerry Bold 9900 likes to go “quiet” even if the profile is set to “Normal” or “Loud.” Basically, you won’t be able to hear your phone ring, and certainly you won’t be able to hear anyone talking when someone calls you or when you call someone.
Usually, when something like this happens and restarting the device doesn’t fix it, BlackBerry users simply pull out the battery, then put it back in, and switch on the smartphone. This will certainly fix the issue, but only temporarily.
The “no sound” issue only affects some BlackBerry Bold 9900 users, which means this is not a general problem. Those who replaced their units got rid of the issue, at least for a time if not forever.
Well, it appears that this is not a hardware issue after all. The folks over at CrackBerry solved the puzzle and offered a simple solution to this problem. Simply uninstall a third party application called “One Touch Flashlight” and the problem will be fixed.
There’s also another application that might screw your BlackBerry Bold 9900, "Flashlight: 2 for 1" that can be downloaded for free via App World.
It seems that after running one of these apps you will lose all sound and notifications vibration. The applications activate the video recorder to have the led on and screws the phone’s sound entirely.
However, it appears that both applications have been updated with bug fixes, so if you still want to give them a try make sure you download the newest versions.
BlackBerry Bold 9900 ‘No Sound’ Issue Gets Fix
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