Even if you're an Ubuntu user or you just heard about it and you want to learn more about Ubuntu, you can attend the Ubuntu User Days event this weekend!
Ubuntu User Days will be take place from Saturday 13:30 UTC through Sunday 03:00 UTC on the Ubuntu Classroom IRC channel.
Canonical created the Ubuntu User Days as a set of chat-based classes, distributed during a one day period, in order to teach the Ubuntu beginner or intermediate Linux users the basics of the Ubuntu operating systems.
The event will teach you how to find equivalent apps in Ubuntu, how to get help, how to use the command-line, or how to get involved in the Ubuntu community.
Ubuntu User Days Schedule:
Day 1 - January 14th
13:30 - Introduction to User Days
14:00 - Launchpad and How to Use Restricted Drivers
15:00 - Introduction to Ubuntu
16:00 - Firewall Basics
17:00 - I have an idea to improve Ubuntu – what should I do?
18:00 - Unity Lenses
19:00 - Installing Software
20:00 - Accessibility in Unity
21:00 - Finding Help in Ubuntu
22:00 - Customizing Unity
23:00 - Introduction to Firefox
Day 2 - January 15th
00:00 - Ubuntu Equivalents
01:00 - How to Get Involved with the Community
02:00 - Commandline Basics
To participate, all you have to do is join the #ubuntu-classroom channel (#ubuntu-classroom-chat will be used for questions) on irc.freenode.net. Sessions start Tuesday, January 14th, 2012 at 13:30 UTC. The sessions will be one hour long.
About Ubuntu
Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for your desktop or server, with a fast and easy install, regular releases, a tight selection of excellent packages installed by default, every other package you can imagine available from the network, and professional technical support from Canonical Ltd and hundreds of other companies around the world.
Ubuntu User Days: 14-15 January
Ubuntu User Days: 14-15 January was published by . We hope that information about Ubuntu User Days: 14-15 January very usefull for you. You can get another usefull information related with Ubuntu User Days: 14-15 January at our sharing post in facebook, twitter and etc.. Warm regard from us.

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