With Image Bucket you can make some changes to multiple images in one pass, all without forgetting how easy and fast.
Have a photo or picture in HD is relatively easy, especially with high resolutions digital cameras can capture today, however, working with such images can be quite tedious as it does not happen any more than one hours of his life trying to resize dozens of images. So instead of devoting to change one by one can use an application like Image Bucket , utility that will do all the work and in a single pass.
Image Bucket is one of those tools that every fan of photography would have, since this small application offers several actions which can be applied to a group of images, within these are common tasks such as resize, rotate the image to a certain direction and apply a watermark. Even the possibility of changing the format or change the name of each file.
If in addition to the possibilities offered expect an easy to use, Image Bucket is definitely what you are looking for just simply drag the icon directly from the application group or folder of images to be changed after this will open a box dialogue with all possible options to modify. Once set the values of our selection, simply click "Start" or Start and wait out the process.
Although this application does pretty good job, is not quite perfect, since there are some disadvantages when renaming files in fact does not delete the original name, in place text to be added beginning (or end) of the name. On the other hand, the algorithm for resizing images could deliver better results, yet Image Bucket is an option to consider if it is occasional image editing.
Image Bucket is available from the Mac App Store and costs of 2.99 €.
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How to perform basic modifications to images with Image Bucket
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